Stop motion (also known as stop frame)
Stop motion animation
using plasticine is called clay animation or "clay-mation". Not all stop motion requires figures or models; many stop motion films can involve using humans, household appliances and other things for comedic effect. Stop motion using objects is sometimes referred to as Object animation.A year comes to an end... with lots of stop-motions published. Here we have the 5 most liked and shared videos of this year 2012:
Proteigon by Steven Briand (343 notes)
9 months in 1000 pictures by Osher, Tomer and Baby Emma (328 notes)
Lotte Time Lapse: Birth to 12 years in 2 min. 45. by Frans Hofmeester (308 notes)
The Joy of Books by Sean Ohlenkamp (293 notes)
Fresh Guacamole by PES (253 notes)
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